Friday, June 5, 2009

The Crosby, Stills & Nash concert ~ Chicago, 6/4/09

Well, here it is - my first official "blog". As Dorothy Parker said, "I hate writing, but love having written". That's my motto. Well, in Writing 101, they say the first lesson is to write about something you know. So I'll give you my impressions of the Crosby, Stills & Nash concert that "The Tomster", aka Tom, my wonderful 15 year old son and I went to last night. Hey, how can you pass up $25 tickets for (barely) living legends? I mean really, Crosby and Nash are 67, and Stills is the baby of the group at 64.

I'd never been to the "Charter One Pavilion" on Northerly Island before. Northerly Island used to be Meigs Field, a small plane airport. In one of the most dickish moves ever made by an American mayor, Mayor Daley tore up Meigs Field in the middle of the night in the name of 'homeland security'. Charter One Pavilion sort of looks like something that had been thrown up yesterday from a kit from the Home Depot. Regardless, it's pretty nice. Decent sight lines and ditto for the sound system (though for my tastes, they could have turned it up to 11. It's one more, you know). And with my precisie sense of timing, we got downtown about 3 1/2 hours before the concert, not thrilling The Tomster. But it gave us time to look around. It's right on the lake, and about 3 or 4 blocks east of Soldier (not Soldiers) Field, home of "Da Bears". They recently renovated it, and to give it something of its original charm, left the Greco-Roman collonades on both sides, but built a fancy silver stadium around them. It looked like an extraterrestrial, Close Encounters kind of spacecraft had landed on the Acropolis, circa the 5th century B.C. . And the Adler Planetarium is just a stone's throw away, if you happen to be an Olympic stone-thrower. And the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum are right around the corner, which is nice.

On to the concert. It's hard to believe their second live performance was at Woodstock, 40 years ago. They haven't aged too badly, though. Steven Stills, I think was born with a congenital receding hairline, so he didn't look too bad. Graham Nash looks sort of like a hedge fund trader with gray hair, and David Crosby (Melissa Etheridge's kids' "biological" father, in the sense that he was the donor of the X chromosome. Seemed a strange choice to me) looks precisely the same- hefty(!), same long hair and bushy mustache he had 40 years ago, except that the hair was now white instead of gray. Hey, if you've got a look you like, stick with it, I say.

Musically, they're still exceptionally talented. Steven Stills, for my money, is one of the most underrated guitarists around. And their harmonies are still, amazingly, wonderful. The first half of the show was a little disappointing. They did a fair amount of new stuff, and about 5 covers (C,S & N doing Ruby Tuesday?). Then the second half picked up considerably. They did a lot of the standards, "For What It's Worth", and others. Stills exhorted the crowd to join in, but us old geezers were too tired to get into it. I assidously wrote down their setlist and have lost it already, so I can't tell you exactly which songs they performed, but I do remember an amazing jam on "DejaVu", though. The temperature had dropped into the forties, and The Tomster (who was wearing shorts) and I were freezing, being in the top row, exposed to the delightful 'breeze' from the lake. I was determined to wait it out until "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes", one of my top 5 favorite songs of all time. So they came out for their obligatory encore, and played something else. Then something else again. It was at that point that The Tomster, in his best Oliver Twist voice, said, "Please, dad, can we leave now?". I agreed at that point, and we left. I'm sure they played it eventually, and for all I know, may be playing it now.

I think their hearts weren't really all into it, though. Their entire "Summer 2009 Tour" consists of ten cities, all within a week and a half. And I'm sure it helped their egos seeing that the largest city in the tour couldn't even sell out. "Hey, we're famous, damn it!". Maybe they did it to pay for alimony checks and college tuition.

It was really weird seeing Graham Nash. I was in middle school, and remember buying The Hollies 45s, like "Bus Stop", for God's sake! And it was also strange when they sang "Chicago", they were doing a song that had arisen in protest from the Democratic National Convention in 1968, and the subsequent trial of the Chicago 7, when, as you will recall, all hell broke loose for a few days just up the street. Like I said, weird.

And, finally, The Tomster and I, who have a great relationship, discovered that 9 hours is our limit for being together before we start to crack.


  1. Great start! Keep it up, Dick!

  2. Oh, that commet came from Sarah F. Owens, in case you couldn't figure that out on your own! :-)

  3. It looks great Dick
    I wish I could be as creative
